Opening of the ECB on 18 th of March 2015!!


This is why we will go to Frankfurt
As the restructuration of the European economy takes on the character of outright plunder, as the violence of disciplinary practices becomes more and more generalized, the more it becomes necessary to fight back – to defend our infrastructures and friendships everywhere the present social attack is being planned, prepared and made to operate on a vast scale. Therefore we will go to Frankfurt, because our defense requires us to attack.
It is necessary to transpose our experiences of local struggle to a higher offensive level, beyond the national frame of reference inherent to the movement, in order to sandwich the State on the European level as well. The opening of the new headquarters of the European Central Bank will be the occasion for us to reconverge, to unite our forces against a common enemy.

They think they can conduct business as usual without reckoning with us. But the number of those
who’ve subtracted themselves from the dreadful business of constant self-assessment grows and grows. There will be a reckoning to made by all those who’ve suffered through their politics of pauperization and destruction, a reckoning to be made for all the humiliations endured in the corridors of the administration, in the rat-race of our daily lives, for the shame we feel to no longer be young enough, fit enough, or flexible enough to “compete in the global economy”. And the more that their world breaks down around them, the more they seek to redouble their sinister grip on everything that lives.

And to our enemies, who understand no language other than that of calculation – you will pay the bill.


Posted in EN

GUCCIO no.1 (english)


guccioWe wanted to promote a new magazine:
All texts are in english and german language.


taking side, meeting & struggling on the way of revolution

“Austerity plans, anthracite suits, annual reports, faces without expres­
sion, optimization of economic monotony. Just another palace of glass
in a city in which already a legion of them took up quarters. Presidents,
prime ministers, responsable reponsables, pervaded by the importance
of their rituals all around price fluctuations, trading in stock, key interest
rates. They pretend to administer the system in the interest of all, like
solicitous heads of family. Yet they don’t lead a household but a war. (…)”

Content: Prolog ++ Time to disconnect ++ Don’t be afraid, be welcome in the „restriction zone“! ++ Four thesis for a preemptive neutralization of antiterrorism ++ Refugees are rising up! ++ Live in common is stronger than metropolis ++ Defend the neighborhood, destroy capitalism ++ C_o_m_m_u_n_e inter C_o_m_m_u_n_e ++ The new political Regime of Debt ++ Open Letter: Why an Internationale

The magazine is here for Download.

Posted in EN

Opening of the ECB not before early 2015

The opening of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt takes place not before early 2015 and might be delayed further. This gives all of us more time to organize and get prepared!

We are going to post any new information about dates and event here on our blog as soon as we get to know them.

Posted in EN

Call from the Destroika


Come to the Opening of the European Central Bank! | Frankfurt 2015
A Call from the Destroika for a Fantastic Convergence of Resistance

Poster English

Poster English

From issue-less “days of action” to inconsequential general strikes, the recent struggles in Greece, Spain, Italy, France, and Portugal invariably seem to stumble over the limit of their own national frame of reference. The standpoint of the nation, long considered synonymous with political activity per se, be it that of the State or one or another revolutionary party, has revealed itself as being the very scale of our own collective powerlessness. It is this powerlessness, turned against itself, that fuels the fire of so many nationalist resentments.

There is nothing more to be done from the national perspective, from the standpoint of the nation as a whole; standpoint eminently suited to every imaginable form of reaction. The nation as such is a dead letter. The State can do nothing more than set the table for the dreary meal dished out by the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Commission: the Holy Trinity known as the Troika. For us the national perspective is finished. For us there is only the local on the one hand, the global on the other.

The Troika, not content simply to oversee or even directly administer the budgetary functioning of entire States, seeks also to dictate the very conditions of our lives, reducing the latter to a simple question of “human resource management”. The impression of being dominated, overwhelmed, and finally altogether crushed by a self-appointed clique of “Core European” bureaucrats has become one of the more salient features of the present.

Whoever has studied the methods of the IMF knows that the former are not limited to a simple “Shock Doctrine”. The strategic apparatus of the IMF and the World Bank peruses a dual function: one finds on the one hand an effectively brutalizing process of violent economic restructuration, on the other, a system of “micro-credits” that work to soften the impact of the latter, stimulating the creation of small economic units. The goal of this double movement is simple: transform everything, everywhere, into an enterprise. The oft celebrated “social economy”, the “solidarity economy”, are in no way an appropriate remedy to the “Shock Doctrine” but its effective compliment. We do not desire a better economy, be it ever so “social”, we desire the end of calculation, the end of evaluation and measure; the end of the accountant-mentality, in love as much as in the workshop. Continue reading

Posted in EN